Jumeirah.se - Guide till Dubai

Arabic for tourists

Where is the shop for shoes?

There is no lack of shoe shops or English-speaking people in Dubai. But it wouldn’t be a waste to learn the basics of Arabic to make it easier for you to understand the country. Down below is a list of phrases, English-Arabic, with subject for any eventual deflection in pronunciation when the phrases are combined.

Thank you = Shukran (Shuk-Ran)
Greetings = As’salam alaikum (Ah-Sa-Lam-Ah-Lake-Kum)
And to you = Alaikum As’salam (Ah-Lake-Kum-As-Sa-Lam)
Hello/welcome = Mar’haba/ahlan (Mar-Haba/Ah-Lan)
How are you = Kif halak (Ki-F-Ha-Lak)
Good = Al’hamdulillah (Al-Ham-Do-Li-La)
God willing = Na’am/La (Na-Am)
Please = Min fadlak (Min-Fad-Lak)
How much is this = Bekam (Bee-Ka-Am)
How many = Kam (Ka-Am)
Please give me = A’atini (Ah-A-Teen-Nee)
Enough/stop = Bass (Ba-ss)
Broken/finished = Khalass (Kha-Lass)
More = Akthar (Ak-Thar)
I don’t want = La’abghi/ma beddi (La-Ab-Ghi/ Ma-Bed-Di)
I don’t have money = Mu endi fuloos (Ma-End-E-Fu-Loose)
Hurry = Yalla bessor’a (Yah-La-Be-Ssor-Rah)
Go away = Ruh/emshi (Ruh-Em-She)
Good/bad = Zain/Mu zain (Zane-Mo-Zane)
Big/Little = Kabeer/Sageer (Ka-Beer-Sa-Gear)
Straight on = Seedha (See-D-Hah)
Right/left = Yameen/yassar (Ya-Meen-Ya-Ssar)
Look = Shuf (Shoe-F)
Never Mind = M’a lesh (Ma-Ah-Lesh)
Here/there = Hona/Honak (Ho-Nah-Ho-Nak)
Where/when = Wain/mata (Wain-Ma-Ta)
Look out = Dir balak (Di-R-Ba-Lak)
Slowly = Shway shway (Sh-Way-Sh-Way)
Lets go = Yella (Yel-La)
Wait a moment = Stanna Shwaya (Stan-Na-Sh-Waya)
Hotel = Fonduk (Fon-Duk)
One = Wahad (Wa-Had)
Two = Ethenain (Ith-Nain)
Three = Thalatha (Tha-La-Tha)
Four = ‘Arba’a (Ar-Bah-Ah)
Five = Khamsa (Kham-Sah)
Six = Sitta (Sit-Tah)
Seven = ´Saba’a (Sab-A-Ah)
Eight = Thamania (Tha-Man-Ia)
Nine = Tissa’a (Tis-Sa-A)
Ten = Ashra (Ash-Ra)