Jumeirah.se - Guide till Dubai

Economics and trade at UAE/Dubai

The United Arab Emirates are one of the wealthiest and healthiest countries in the middle-East. The country’s economy has grown to be the third wealthiest in the Arab world. The high price of oil is a considering factor for the fast development.

Oil, gas, industry, trade and bank- and insurance research is the dominating branch of industry in the United Arab Emirates.

Estimated 10 % of the world’s known oil reserves are placed in the United Arab Emirates and near 5 % of the world’s nature gas reserves. The oil is estimated to be enough for at least 50 years according to the Swedish export council.

Abu Dhabi, with its economical strength and wealth of oil, continues to invest in oil, gas and the petrochemical industry. The oil of Dubai is estimated to reach its end in less than 10 years. This has made Dubai to invest in resources of trade, tourism and bank- and insurance industries. The yearly surplus of trade of Dubai is a number of 20 milliards in Us-dollars. On top of that, an adding of foreign investments of totally 200 milliard Swedish crowns. That’s the reason why it’s unlikely that failing oil incomes would weaken Dubai’s role in the region.

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